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  1. EnderGamingProductions

    PC Collaboration Minecraft Rivals SMP!! {Looking For 6 Content Creators}

    So my friends and I want to start an SMP Minecraft series called Rivals SMP. Where 4 teams battle it out between eachother and compete in weekly challenges. We have found 10 creators already who have agreed to either stream or upload content. If you are interested in joining yourself, please do...
  2. Vango

    Gaming Minecraft - MY PLOT IS AMAZING :D

    Hello Viewers! My Name is Vango Gaming, and this is my first time posting in this forum :D Anyways, for those of you who want to see my video, it is here. In it, I begin building my plot, and it ends up looking AMAZING (sorta)
  3. Whipkurd

    Gaming Gmod Collab? MC? ShellShock Live?

    Hi, My name is Whipkurd. I am a pretty small youtuber, with only about 140 subs I really want to get into expanding my reach and my viewship with new and different youtubers. I am also looking for a somewhat of a mentor, to help me make better content, I am about 15, I know pretty young but I...
  4. T

    PlayStation Collaboration GTA V and Minecraft Group

    Hey!!! im looking 4 people 2 play with on gta v and minecraft! I need 3 other people [so not me included] Reply your PS4 PSN Gamertag thing So I dont get random Friend Request from people that dont have Freedom accounts or something Im confused