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  1. G

    Solved Why is my youtube account not monetized?

    why is my account not monetized?, how long will the youtube account be monetized and make money from freedom?
  2. GoRanks

    YouTube Not monetize until 1000 subs??

    I am thinking about not monetizing my videos until I reach 1000 subs. Because I think until you reach that point you are not gonna make considerable amount anyway. And if a new viewer comes to a video and ad starts to play, then their is a chance that he/she won't even watch the video. So is it...
  3. AreebSK

    Solved Monetization Sign Gone?!?

    Hello. My channel name is Chaos Gaming. I have a few videos that I always had monetized from the start. In my video manager, they always had the green "dollar" sign. Now, I checked back and none of the videos have the dollar sign. The videos still have ads but there is no sign. When I try to...
  4. M&Mnz

    Solved Earning Money

    How do i start earning money on my YouTube videos? I don't know if Freedom only accept Paypal or I can just enter in my bank information. Also, to receive money form Freedom, do I need to set up a business account or a personal one.
  5. X

    Solved No Monetization

    Hello friends, I previously got a strike for my video on free photoshop and was taken down my adobe. This was my first strike and lasted 3 months and was suppose to end today (August 17). I got all the other features that were taken from me back including live streaming, longer videos, but no...
  6. CodeBook Online Training

    Educational Why does my earning graph in youtube frozen since 2 days after freedom partnership ?

    Generally The earnings were getting updated daily. Now its reset to 0$. But its not increasing even if I have monetized and getting views. If anyone could help , it would be great .
  7. CookieJHD

    Solved Videos Not being Monetized

    For some of my recent videos there is no option to monetize them! I'm not a big channel so I don't care about the money, I just wanna know why I don't have the option for some of them, it makes no sense to me. ^My latest video, in the...
  8. TeamRespawn

    Tips & Tricks Let's Play List of Games you Can Monetize

    I found a resource online I thought I would post here. It is a Wiki with a list of all major game publishers and developers on how they stand with making content of their games. This is only a reference as this is a little outdated, but still some pretty good information. Hope this helps...
  9. Drift Productions

    Solved How do we get paid more

    How do we get paid more how do I get a higher Revenue share or are you guys ONLY 60% like all of youtube says?
  10. G

    Solved Not eligible for monetisation, need help

    On one of my videos it is saying not eligible for monetisation although it should be fine and used to be monetised. Is there a way to make it say it is eligible again?