mortal kombat

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  1. J

    Gaming Looking for Xbox One Collaborations

    Hello im looking for people who have a xbox one with Overwatch,Paladins, GTA,, Fortnite, BO3, WW2, MKX, etc
  2. Billy AngelWing

    Gaming So Much Gore

    My top 10 picks for the most gory fatalities.
  3. Majesticjester


    hey guys if you like fighting games i have been working on a new series called the network hero where i take on online biggest and baddest fighters check it out and give me some feedback.
  4. Irmãos Craft

    Todos Os Fatalities Do Mortal Kombat X

  5. MultiKd123

    Gaming Mortal Kombat XL

    hey all, currently streaming mortal kombat XL who is your best mortal kombat player ??
  6. Majesticjester

    Gaming Cough Up A Lung (Mortal Kombat X Ranked)

    Starting a whole week of kombat pack 2 characters first one on my list was Bo Ra Cho any here is a whole week dedicated to fat boy himself i hope you guys do enjoy remember to leave a like share and subscribe helps me out a ton guys also remember stay majestic peace dudes
  7. LiquidWolf213

    Gaming Freedom! Fighting Games Community!

    This is a thread for fans of the Fighting Games genre! Here we can discuss which games we are playing and give each other tips for games like Tekken, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat! If any YouTubers playing fighting games are interested in making collaboration videos with each other just ask!
  8. Majesticjester

    Gaming The Names Majestic

    hi guys the name is majestic jester or you can call me majestic or jester doesn't matter anyway im i specialize in fighting games always have since i was a kid i love the fgc or fighting game community my goal for youtube is not for money and success i have that now at the age of 22 i clear...
  9. ATCK21


    Whatsup guys! Wasn't able to share this video yesterday due to the Freedom site being down, but here is my newest video. In the name of the Powerball, my friend and I decided to do a series of Test Your Luck Mortal Kombat X matches. Turned out pretty fun! Thank you for watching!