my introduction

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. AnimeGG25

    Entertainment Heya Everyone!

    Hey Guys, since I just joined the Freedom train, I thought I should introduce myself in the forums! My channel name is AnimeGG25, though I do have a gaming channel which is unfortunately still having to deal with a contract to a network I am not happy with. My real name is Ian, so nice to meet...
  2. A

    How To My first 100 sub yeee

    (y) (Y) Guys i joined freedom because i want to grow my channel but i dont know how to grow channel from freedom. Please someone clear my question
  3. Dj Mr. Fire

    Music Dj Mr. Fire

    Hey Freedom!'ers, I am Alex T. Oxford. I am from Roseville, California! I am a young adult almost a year after graduation High-School. (18 years) I found Freedom! by watching how to monetize without using AdSense. I had joined Freedom! Forum's to see other's content. It sounded fun to check...