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  1. EmperorFun

    Gaming Mythic Everlasting Pufferfish

    Let's Play Wynncraft Episode 34 "Mythic Everlasting Pufferfish" In today's episode: We try our luck in the Tower of Ascension. We make it to level 5 on our first try and decide we have to power up before trying it again. After respawning in Nesaak we talk to Fredris and start the quest...
  2. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Mythic Skorpyron 19 Man - Sub Rogue PoV

    Our first foray into Mythic Nighthold was with a 19 man group, and we managed to bested Skorpyron in his lair.
  3. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Sundered Horizon - Mythic Cenarius - Sub Rogue PoV

    Our christmas break is over! Time to push Mythic Emerald Nightmare again. Sundered Horizon has slain the Mythical Demigod Cenarius. Onward to get Cutting Edge for our other members!
  4. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Mythic Cenarius - Sub Rogue PoV

    So the Mythical Demigod Cenarius has been slain. Now to face the Nightmare Lord with Insanity.
  5. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Mythic Dragons of Nightmare Rogue PoV

    The Mythic dragons of nightmare have been laid to rest. A shame Ysondre was corrupted again. As part of the Portal group, we have to charge in and kill a massive shambler to stop it from getting off a massive spell. If the spell was cast it would have wiped out the entire raid. While doing that...
  6. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Mythic Ursoc - Emerald Nightmare

    The Mythic Wildgod Ursoc the Mighty has been laid to rest. A true shame he was utterly corrupted in the end. Ursoc the Mighty and his brother Ursol the Wise were well known friends to the Ancients and night elves, and hailed as gods by the furbolg tribes. The bears held glyph markings on their...
  7. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Return to Karazhan Part 2

    We continue our venture into the new Karazhan Mythic Dungeon and find some rather interesting things. Karazhan is a Level 110 dungeon located in Deadwind Pass. It is only available in Mythic difficulty; there is no Mythic+ Keystone version of the dungeon. In order to access the Return to...
  8. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Legion - Return to Karazhan Part 1

    We venture into the new Karazhan Mythic Dungeon and bungle our way to success. Karazhan is a Level 110 dungeon located in Deadwind Pass. It is only available in Mythic difficulty; there is no Mythic+ Keystone version of the dungeon. In order to access the Return to Karazhan dungeon, players...
  9. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 11 - Halls of Valor - Tyrannical, Necrotic & Teeming

    Talk about rough, Halls of Valor 11 is unforgiving with Tyrannical bosses. In the clouds high above Stormheim, the titanic keeper Odyn has called the greatest vrykul warriors of Azeroth to be his Valarjar. Amidst feasting halls and hunting grounds, these ascended vrykul test themselves and...
  10. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 8 - Court of Stars - Necrotic & Teeming

    Court of Stars had a good few goofs right from the start, but my oh my was it fun! Court of Stars is a max-level, Mythic-only dungeon located in Suramar. Even as Legion troops patrol the streets, casting a pall over the grand city of Suramar, the socialites of the Nightborne nobility continue...
  11. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 9 - Neltharion's Lair - Teeming & Necrotic

    We just barely miss our time on Plus 9 due to an early snafu. Darn shame, but we'll press on for loot and victory!
  12. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 8 - Neltharion's Lair - Teeming & Necrotic

    We had a very relaxing Mythic Plus 8 Neltharion's Lair. Neltharion, better known as Deathwing, once called these caves home. Since his fall, the drogbar that once worshipped the great dragon built their capitol within this ancient lair. Now, Dargrul, chieftain of the drogbar, rallies a massive...
  13. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 8 - The Arcway

    Who knew rank 8 Arcway would be this easy. Now if only we didn't skip those Manawyrms. As vast as the city of Suramar is, the vast network of tunnels beneath the city spans an even greater reach. Nightborne society has grown to depend on the power of the Nightwell, and the Arcway delivers that...
  14. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 6 - The Arcway

    he Arcway is a max-level, Mythic-only dungeon located in Suramar. As vast as the city of Suramar is, the vast network of tunnels beneath the city spans an even greater reach. Nightborne society has grown to depend on the power of the Nightwell, and the Arcway delivers that lifeblood throughout...
  15. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft Mythic Plus 8 - Vault of the Wardens Major Screw Ups

    We attempt Rank 8 Vault of the Wardens, but the new Berserking and Necrotic modifiers are rather nasty. The Vault of the Wardens serves as a prison for those the night elf Wardens capture. It is located within the Broken Isles; prior to the events of World of Warcraft: Legion Gul'dan was shown...
  16. Al Valentyn

    Gaming Warcraft - Darkheart Thicket Dungeon - No Tank No Problem

    We pulled a near all nighter with the launch of Legion, and we entered our first dungeon in Legion. Darkheart Thicket, and without a tank! We figured we were going to be in for one wild ride, but little did many expect fully HFC mythic geared raiders to just waltz on through all the bosses. At...