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  1. C

    Movies & TV Any good movies or shows to watch?

    So I've been watching some movies and re watching some old classic tv series on dailymotion. What kind of shows or movies y'all like to watch?
  2. multigamefreakz

    Movies & TV Netflix have just announced a witcher tv series coming to netflix

    I'm really happy and excited that this has just been announced, i really think it could rival game of thrones. what do you guys think about the news,
  3. multigamefreakz

    Movies & TV what tv series are you all watching on netflix at the moment

    I'm currently watching sons of anarchy and better call saul, after these I'm going to give stranger things a go.
  4. That Awkward Giraffe

    Luke Cage

    What are your thoughts on netflixs Luke Cage? I thought it was good but wasn't as good as Daredevil season 2.
  5. PhobicYT

    Entertainment Advice/Commentaries/Gaming

    Hi! My channel is PhobicYT and I want to start off by saying I do Advice/Commentaries/Gaming Videos! Thats like a V.I.P package on Netflix, but free! I do many types of video and I am trying to get noticed and grow now I think I'm good at what I am doing I do great videos and editing, as well as...
  6. Kenny_Rants

    Entertainment Hey Guys!! I go by the name Kenny Rants - Movies/Entertainment Channel

    Hey guy, I took a week off work and to finally start my YouTube channel. Its mainly going to be a movies/tv advice channel like Top 5... etc. but i plan to make it entertaining too. I've had a video up for about a week now and if you can watch it and let me know what you think in the comments...
  7. Evisouttasitestuff

    Entertainment Hello Freedom Family!

    Hello, my name is Evelyn Webb (EvelynWebbEvisouttasitestuff screen name). I started YouTube video marketing when I became a distributor for NXR Global/Vstream TV in March of 2015. I knew then that video marketing with YouTube was the “WAY TO GO!” I have learned “tons” from YouTube and still...
  8. shawnpohyar510

    Entertainment Marvel Giveaway!!

    Hi guys im getting ready to do a marvel giveaway in honor of Daredevil season 2 on Netflix. If you want to check it out: Sub to my channel follow my Instagram: #TheeApexPredator Find me on Facebook: Shawn Pohyar Add me on Snap Chat: Shawnpohyar510 I just posted my giveaway partner on my snap...