network partner

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  1. B

    Resuelto unirme a freedom

    Hola tengo una pregunta acabo de crear una cuenta de youtube si yo la vinculo con adsense ......... despues si freedom me acepta me puedo vincular a freedom ya que he visto muchos casos que no se puede entonces la pregunta en si es: si yo tengo adsense en mi cuenta de google freedom despues me...
  2. T

    Partnern mit Freedom! (YouTube)

    Hey, ich habe mich seit drei Tagen bei Freedom angemeldet und warte bereits seit drei Tagen auf ein "Learn More" Button von ihnen auf meinem Dashbord in YouTube und es ist noch nichts angekommen. Was muss ich tun, damit mir dieser angezeigt wird.
  3. DIAMOND777

    Confirmação Do NetWork No Canal Do Youtube

    Já faz um tempinho que apliquei na network, chegou email e tudo mais,mas até hj ainda não chegou no meu canal a notificação. alguem pode me da suporte, pois não sei oque fazer ?
  4. Ahmed Egg

    Solved questions about adsense earning (Please help) i need to leave the network in order to get paid by adsense? 2.i have ad sense account and linked to account , do i just need to enable monetization on my videos and start earning , or is there something else i need to do before that? like make a website(blog) ?
  5. R

    Network Help!!

    Hi I have a problem, the page tells me that freedom and accepted me check my email for me to partner with youtube but nothing appears
  6. S

    Educational Can You Partner With Network & Youtube?

    Hi, I am already partnered with Youtube directly, but would like another account. Can I partner with networks such as Freedom through another account? If not, what about a business account? My current account is personal, so if I created a 2nd account for business, could I then partner that...