new doom

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  1. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Final Boss

    This is it this is the final fight we all been waiting for. Sorry no Death Counter in this one I have to rush to class right after I post this. Tomorrow will be a new batman and Thursday I'm going to be starting a horror.
  2. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Most Frustrating Level

    I played this for nearly an hour or two before I got through this part. I took about 30mins of the footage and tired to make a video with it, but I hope I don't have to playthrough that ever again. I did tired to use a different microphone for my commentary I'm not sure if it turned out better...
  3. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Demon Blood

    I am almost done with finishing off Doom.
  4. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Goodbye Vega

    Funny storie I missed a whole section of the map due to missing files when my computer went down. You're really not missing much just me dying a lot most likely. Thanks for watching, sub for more.
  5. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Swearing at Doom

    I'm back after a major computer problem everything seems to be working fine now I'll have a full video on that tomorrow hopefully. But we are back playing some Doom today. This is something I had recorded for a while but I had no way of editing without my computer. Thank you for watching, feel...
  6. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Many Demons

    Does hell have infinite demons? They seem to keep coming nonstop now. i'm making videos right now after classes at night so if I sound tired or anything it's because I am, except when I do vlogs because those are kinda of day thing.
  7. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming More Traps

    We are starting the week off right with a little bit of Doom. Now I had to record this twice, so I hope this seconded recording is a lot better then my first which was just me questioning the game logic, I guess that's what happens when I pick up a game after a week. thank you all of you who...
  8. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming This isn't Church

    Church seems a lot different then it did in the past. Thank you for Watching, and thank you people who comment and like as well. We are still one more away from 10 subs, keep it up and stay awkward.
  9. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Come at Me

    Back playing Doom and Shadow of Mordor for a week. If you want to watch me play Batman A Telltale Series I'm uploading those on Saturday.
  10. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Butt Hole Demons

    Please tell me that I'm not the only one who thinks the big demons look like they have butt hole mouths with teeth. By the by I'm still playing Shadow of Mordor on my channel I didn't just drop that. I've just been posting one video a day on here because that's all I got time for. Thanks for...
  11. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Fall of the Hammer

    The Hammer has fallen, the monument has also Fallen. I decided not to go through the rest of the slave missions for obvious reasons they were way to repetive, so I skipped ahead to the final missions.
  12. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Starting to Rage

    Doom is becoming a rage game for me, like massively I won't stop dying. It's a problem. I also started using transitions, I added a watermark on my videos and I'm started using cards. Go me. Thanks for watching.
  13. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Are We The Doom Slayer?

    Died a lot less today, thank god but I'm still going to be very salty about dieing 18 times in the last video, so much salt that it'll last days. Since I have school starting the 22nd I am in the process to change the way I'm recording videos, so it doesn't take a day to make each one. I'll let...
  14. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Hell of a Time

    This took ages to record cause I kept dying so much over an hours worth of dying. For obvious reasons I had to cut most of me failing and dying. Man do I suck at fps games or what? I guess this makes up for not dying that much in the other levels though. Next video we might make it to 50 on the...
  15. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Just Die Already | Doom #9

    Alright, Some update news. I managed to upload before 11pm tonight which is awesome and means I won't be staying up to late tonight. Another thing is I'm uploading 2 videos a now, which means getting through games faster, more content is heading to my channel, and more games will be played. I...
  16. That Awkward Giraffe

    Gaming Getting Back into It | Doom #8

    I've been gone for about two weeks now almost three. The first week I got sick and my throat was just killing me, and the second week I spent about 3 to 4 days hanging out at comic con in san diego. Hopefully you enjoyed this video thanks for watching.