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    Gaming MY STORY + ADVICE

    I am 42 years old and have been gaming since i was 8 years old. I picked up my first console when i was 8 a true classic Atari 2600 which i used to play together with my cousins. Later in life i became a massive collector at one stage i have 90 consoles and only had 17 games missing from a...
  2. Ryan Sutilla

    Other Collaboration WWE Channel Looking for Guests and People to Collab with

    Been searching for people on Freedom to do some fun WWE reviews and Podcast with. It seems like most people on here are all about gaming so it has been difficult. If you are interested find me on twitter @iam_thewookie and we can chat.
  3. Shawn_DaGamer

    Other Collaboration Wrestling Review Collab?

    Hey Guys, Im New To Freedom And i am looking for people to link up with to Do Wrestling Related Content on my Youtube Channel Shawn_DaGamer, Talking WWE, TNA, New Japan And More