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  1. NuieG

    Fun and Games Time Alter

    If you could go back in time and alter any one moment in your life what would it be? For me if i could change anything i would go back and invest money into VR systems. i would love to see what kinda things you guys would change or alter.
  2. Kiramuruchan

    Gaming the games that influenced me the most.

    One of the first games I ever played was the sims series, the very first games. I had the whole collection! *proud* I also learned alot of english from the game, since I chose to play it in english instead of Norwegian. Ever since I have played every single sims game that came out from sims 1 -...
  3. Mr Wooff

    YouTube Your YouTube history {Suggestion}

    This is a very wierd suggestion and I'm not sure if this would actually work but I say its worth giving it a shout but.. :) If we could get an option on YouTube were we could go back in to our old videos what we may of delted so we can like reflect on the pass and maybe even an option to...
  4. Blucky


    So I told you guys in a past commentary that I would make a reaction video to all my old videos that were on past channels, well I found them all and here it is..... The cringe is very much real but I had a great time watching back some old videos I haven't seen in a while :D