
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. Johannes89

    Payment Update

    I just want to find out when the system will be updated on freedom dashboard as my miner have being updated last time in march and ive being mining every single day since then my pc is running 24/7 online with the miner so i would love to see how much ive being mining
  2. D

    Solved Youtube analytics and Freedom payout

    I've been seeing the youtube analytics and i had aproximate 10$ per month and when freedom is going to pay me, only 1,25$ is shown. I don't know how these pay rates are so low. I got around 15k views in 2 months and only got 2,50$. I would like to know why i'm getting lower pay rates as normal.
  3. K

    Solved Missing Revenue Payout Opprotunity?

    Hello, my channel name is KillerBacon1234. I am here to ask, it says I'm missing out on a revenue payout because on my Dashboard I haven't clicked "Learn More" yet when I already did, and that button ain't on my Dashboard no more. What is going on?!?! Help me please!