pokemon red

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  1. WePlayForThem

    Gaming Tri-Pokemon Race Is Underway! Ask Us How To join Games!

    With the completion of Donkey Kong Country race we are moving on with a Tri-Pokemon race, where our Director SecretFrenchFry is playing Pokemon Red, TheShuichix is playing Pokemon Blue, and Haloz is playing pokemon Yellow. Classic games on the gameboy, and the players are off to to a flying...
  2. Marc Towler

    Gaming First Worked on Video - Pokemon Top 10

    Hi guys, I finally decided to start learning how to edit videos and this is what is produced, the first video on my new channel. Top 10 Generation 1 Pokemon
  3. Raging Gyarados

    Gaming Pokemon Red Let's Play!

    Hey guys as a fairly small and new Poketuber I would love it if you guys could check out my pokemon red let's play and tell me your thoughts! Leave some comments suggesting how I could improve!