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  1. bluebudgie productions

    Entertainment welcome to 99dinosaurking and bluebudgie productions!

    hello, everyone I started YouTube in 2012 and lately I haven't seen much growth, so I have been very disappointed inmy channels growth rate so this is why I'm posting on here! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUMj79IXgMbDqdryIA2aHeA currant sub count 116...
  2. Archie Team Aqua

    Alola! Soy el Lider del Team Aqua!

    Hola soy Archie Team Aqua, pero me podeis llamar Dios de los Shinys o Archie :D Tengo 21 años, llevo con este canal 1 año y 5 meses en Youtube. Me gusta mucho, pokemon en general he jugado a todos los juegos que han ido sacando ademas de otros juegos de nintendo, actualmente estoy muy viciado a...
  3. S

    Other Collaboration Looking for someone who makes Pokemon videos

    Hi i'm a poketuber i make let's plays as well as pokemon showdown videos i'm 16 btw so if you want to collaborate then message me :)
  4. Raging Gyarados

    Gaming Pokemon Red Let's Play!

    Hey guys as a fairly small and new Poketuber I would love it if you guys could check out my pokemon red let's play and tell me your thoughts! Leave some comments suggesting how I could improve!
  5. MatC

    YouTube Views Milestone 5k channel views has been reached today!!

    I want to proudly announce to you that my channel reached 5k views today. Now I am aiming for another 5k whats equal of total 10k views! :D
  6. DeceptivePokemon

    Gaming New Member

    Hello everyone! I just recently joined about a week ago! I am a beginning Poketuber, as I have only been on Youtube since the beginning of January. I am a 90s kid, who has been in love with Pokemon since I first bought my first pack of cards and my Blue Version. If your wondering who I started...
  7. Anthony Deal

    Subscriber Milestone I hit 500 YouTube Subs!!

    Hey everyone!! I just wanted to let you all know that I recently hit 500 total subscribers on YouTube! I just want to thank everyone out there that my have taken the time out to check out my channel and my content! If you haven't already, please take a couple mins out of your schedule to take...