
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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  1. Deathlake

    Community Whats your preference?

    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdy2gNHDW8W_cJhrfWrfYHZkucRY0c32NpUrfOoWDWoR6rK8w/viewform?usp=sf_link currently conducting a survey for a animation university project, it would be much appreciated if any of you lovely people could answer any of the quick 9 questions!
  2. Klahn's Clinic

    YouTube (Poll) What is most interesting to you?

    I run a few series on my channel and was wondering what topic is the most interesting to others. (I was told this didn't count as promotion, but if it is, then I'll gladly move it to that section)
  3. RyanSellers

    Community What YouTube Genre Are You In?

    Hey fellow Freedom! Community members! Here is a quick poll to see how many members of Freedom! run different types of YouTube channels. If your option isn't on the poll. Comment down below what your channel is about mainly!
  4. gunsage

    YouTube As a gamer, I've been wondering...

    What are people looking more for on youtube: short vids or long? So hear me out. For most of us, short videos are super easy to digest and allow for easily bingeable content. Several channels that have adopted the vine format, for example, have lots of 30 second or less videos that have a...
  5. HAM - CSGO & MORE


    please complete the poll above.
  6. HAM - CSGO & MORE


    which is best please complete the poll.
  7. Mike Mazur

    YouTube Would you rather..

    Would you rather get 2000 likes or 2000 shares and why?
  8. Drawyah

    YouTube Which style of Mascot do you prefer?

    Hey guys, So I've asked a friend of mine to make some mascots for my channel. We are just under half way through them all, but we would like a vote on which style you guys would prefer! There is an image linked with that Poll which shows the 3 choices...
  9. Akram Izimi

    Community What you would do if...?

    A new poll :) dead line : 1 week
  10. Zerotozillion

    Entertainment Early bird | Give me some offer

    HI Freedomers, I am very new to social media world, (i mean like an active participant). I used to watch a lot of videos and subscribe to many channels, it was a normal day activity, starting my own channel or posting my own content was never in my mind. But one day i got upset at work, i...
  11. Kamil Pierwola

    Opinion Infinite Warfare Vs. Battlefield 1

    Which game do you think is better or are you going to buy???
  12. Defiancey

    Opinion Twitch Streaming vs. Youtube Streaming?

    Hey, everyone wanted to see your guys opinion on Twitch vs. Youtube Streaming?
  13. Defiancey

    Opinion Help with Quality

    Hi everyone, i'm trying to decide on the quality of my video, which are gaming videos. I'm trying to decide if 1080p 30fps or 720p 60fps would be better. I would do 1080p 60 but my system isn't the too powerful, so I might not even be at 60fps when recording. I just wanted to your guys opinion...
  14. Forward Ho!

    Opinion What kind of content do you want to see from me?

    Hey guys! John here, for Forward Ho! Productions, and I want some opinions on what type of content I should make next, for example, I can make VFX shorts, sketches and things of that nature, or I could make some tutorials on how to do the effects like I would do in my main shorts... I can teach...
  15. horrorkesh

    Opinion how many hours do you have in dark souls

    also what kind of setup are you running? just a general question curious to see what people are using, i started a playthrough of dark souls for my channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCYqzqPRqsJcohbCYwRn063oboakX2xot link to playlist check out the series any feedback on the videos...