
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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  1. Puppy Glee

    Comedy I am Puppy Glee :)

    Hey You, I am Puppy Glee, the pink imperial walker girl. I like to do everything i like. ^.^ Zzzubriscbe to follow my life Ő.Ő I have just started my channel but I am really motivated to show You the most I can. You will see all of my movements, funny moments in short videos that doesn't take...
  2. crosbymowry

    Entertainment Music Video is up!

    Comment what you think :D (This was meant for comedy)
  3. AnimeFight Book

    Anime/Manga I am trying very hard to make quality fights

    I want to get into the freedom family ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/linkremoved
  4. gunsage

    Fun and Games Last Letter/First Letter Game

    Hey everybody! I wanted to start a game I've played in a few other forums I've been. This is a really simple game, but here goes. The last letter of the last word has to be the first letter of the next word. So for example... Post 1 Monkey Post 2 Yak Post 3 Katydid And so on. But you...
  5. Voov

    Other Collaboration Looking to grow on Youtube? Join Voov as a content scouter, video editor, and more positions!

    Hello there, people of Freedom! We've seen quite a lot of people interested on our project, dedicated on helping out smaller Youtube channels, so we thought we should really expand the team behind. Currently we are looking for motivated Youtubers who would like to become content scouters and...
  6. Voov

    Community How we decided to make your Youtube channels become popular

    Hello there, we're new here! Just for a little background, we're a group of people who after using Youtube for a few years, realized creators had it hard to grow and needed some help to gain some exposure. Having worked with big channels with hundreds of thousands of subscribers, we know what is...
  7. Mellow Yellow

    Gaming Looking For Rust Players (possible surprise :o)

    Hey Guys, Its Mellow Yellow. I am looking for rust players that know how the game works to help me in my streams :) There may be some big Rust YouTuber's joining in if that interests you. I stream 7 and a half hours a day and will need people to help me gather and craft. I'd also love to fight...
  8. M

    Gaming Check Out My Channel!

    Hello everyone! My name is "Mangonian." If you want to check out my channel, go to YouTube and search "Mangonian" in the search bar. It's the first channel that pops up! I do gaming and entertainment! I put so much effort into my videos using: *Sony Vegas Pro 13 to edit my videos *Adobe...
  9. M


    Hey guys, just posting this here because I put quite a bit of effort into it! Also let me know if anyone wants to collaborate or anything... MY INTRO: Your name/alias: Mitch Where are you from?: Australia How old are you?: I am currently 19 Years of age How did you find Freedom!? Got...
  10. biohazzard

    Resuelto Dudas sobre el copyright.

    Muy buenos días tardes noches a todos déjenme me presento antes que nada, mi nombre es andres, pero mi canal es bio hazzard el cual podrán ver visitando el siguiente link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbtxU_pVL6UJJ5bPGhmoNwg Como ya sabrán hace no mucho (con esto me refiero a que no tengo ni...
  11. Gamel0rd1 YT

    Gaming A small gaming channel (Hello everyone!!)

    Your name: Hey, I'm Gameslinx! I make gaming videos of a wide variety, and most genres. I prefer RPGs, MMOs and sandbox games! I am from England and I have just turned 14. I managed to find Freedom! by looking how to grow my fan-base. I came across youtube partners, and you guys seem to be the...