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  1. CephasRed

    Gaming BRAIN BURN... | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 9)

    There are puzzles meant to challenge the PORTAL veterans and make them work extremely hard to keep their unique title...and feel accomplished for their work...then there's these three puzzles...meant to cause the most experienced player to melt their thinking box. Why must you torture PORTAL...
  2. CephasRed

    Gaming WELL THIS IS FAMILIAR! | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 8)

    In this episode, we trek higher into the enrichment center and come across the forest jungle that took over Aperture Science long LONG ago...all from one simple potato. Ah, the memories~ Also, we look for more information as to who AEGIS is! Game: Portal Stories: Mel Genre: Puzzle, Adventure...
  3. CephasRed

    Gaming WRACKING MY BRAIN HERE! | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 7)

    Continuing the escape out of Aperture Science, Virgil tries to override AEGIS and continue to provide help for us, while we solve extremely hard puzzles that almost make others quit. For someone who's extremely experienced in PORTAL like I am, there are some puzzles that make me wonder how it's...
  4. CephasRed

    Gaming MEET VIRGIL THE CORE! | Portal Stories: Mel (Part 6)

    Back into the dilapidated facility that was Aperture Science, we're off to find the source of the "Voice In The Sky". Who could it be and what kind of new adventure awaits us as we leave the deep underground tomb? Game: Portal Stories: Mel Genre: Action, Adventure, Fan-Made, Official, Puzzle...
  5. crosbymowry

    Entertainment PORTAL FOUND?!!

  6. Dead Walker

    Gaming Have You Ever Explored The World Of Portal And Try To Piece Together It's Lore?

    What's up Freedom! My name is Sergio, and I own the Fog Of War: Gaming Channel. I've started my first Let's Play series on my relaunched channel, and I've decided to mix it up a bit. I'm playing the game, while focusing on exploring the world and trying to piece together Portal 1's Lore. Every...
  7. CephasRed

    Gaming SECRET TURRET QUARTET | Portal 2 (Part 5)

    This game...makes one feel...EMPOWERED! Let me know in the comments if you want to see more of this game. ;)
  8. CephasRed

    Gaming TRUTH FROM FICTION | Portal (Part 5)

    THERE WAS NO CAKE! How dare she do that! Time to find GLaDOS and settle the score for trying to murder us...and not give us the sweet, satisfaction of our deserving baked goods! The only problem is...to get there can be pretty confusing...
  9. CephasRed

    Gaming CAKE AROUND THE CORNER! | Portal (Part 4)

    The tests are coming to a close! It's been quite a ride doing these complicated tasks, figuring out the portal gun, jumping through the right portal, trying not to die so much...but I know that there will be something really nice, sweet and exciting at the end! :D
  10. CephasRed

    Gaming CUBE OF HAPPINESS | Portal (Part 3)

    Seems I'll need some help going through a test. Perhaps this lovely hearted companion cube will get me through it! :D I'm sure nothing bad will happen to this thing at all! I'd just be simply MORTIFIED if something did!
  11. CephasRed

    Gaming DIZZYING LOOP-DE-LOOPS! | Portal (Part 2)

    The testing continues, exploring the effects of the Portal Gun and seeing just how difficult these puzzles are as I keep moving onward. I also stumble on something quite...interesting...and life changing! Will you be ready for it?!?!?!?!
  12. CephasRed

    Gaming TESTING SHALL BEGIN IN 3...2...1... | Portal (Part 1)

    This will be the first time playing this awesome science-y game that precedes the ever popular 2011 game, Portal 2, which I'm much more familiar with! I'm so so excited to play this for all of you and show you how much I love the whole aspect of what this game delivers. Let's begin the fun and...
  13. Mullinmen

    Music Portal: Still Alive - Restart Track

    This is a remix of "Still Alive" from Portal (XBOX 360, PC). Also, check out my Soundcloud for the latest tracks: https://soundcloud.com/mullinmenmusic
  14. RoyJohnson49


    In this final part of my Portal Let's Play, Roy faces off against the sinister AI gone wild, Glados, in a battle of epic portal-portions. LOL, the puns. The really bad puns. But as the series ends, some things will be revealed: what happened to the Companion Cube? what happened to Roy's sanity...
  15. RoyJohnson49

    Gaming MOST BADASS MOMENT IN THE LP? (Portal Part 8)

    In this part of my "Portal" Let's Play, we're getting ready to battle Glados while going through her legions of turrets and turrets WITH ROCKETS! All while discussing the flawed mindset of Ratman logic that comes when looking at the game through the extended universe perspective. Also, I try to...
  16. RoyJohnson49

    Gaming DON'T GET SQUISHED! (Portal Let's Play)

    We're reaching the final parts of this "Portal" LP. In this part, Roy escapes the mechanical caverns of Glados's sinister lair while avoiding the crushing sense of defeat. Hope you'll enjoy! :)
  17. JemOMyne

    Gaming MEETING GLaDOS | Portal Part 4 (FINALE)

    I have finished Portal on my channel. :) Let me know what you guys think.
  18. RoyJohnson49


    In this (presumably) penultimate part of my Portal Let's Play, we go through the final two levels of the game. Sort of. We get through some of one of the levels and a little bit of the other but still, you know, progress is progress. So we finally found out the truth that Glados is the villain...
  19. DaLemonKingMC

    Unboxings & Reviews Jinx Mystery Bag of Mystery! (Premium Shirts) Unbagging!

    Hello everyone, its DaLemonKing! I recently did an unbagging video for the Jinx Mystery T-shirt Bag, which comes with 3 different shirts, depending on which package you buy. I love the shirts and hopefully you will too! My Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClcIgdizGXdT3R9dnNltFkg...