portal 2

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  1. crosbymowry

    Entertainment PORTAL FOUND?!!

  2. CephasRed

    Gaming PORTAL 2 COMIC???? | Portal 2 (BONUS)

    A little extra stuff for you guys to enjoy! :3 An interactive trailer, a webcomic, and a video for an upcoming epic series! Let's have some fun!
  3. CephasRed

    Gaming FRIENDS TO THE END | Portal 2 (END)

    The final showdown against Wheatley is here! Let's work with GLaDOS and defeat this moronic core before the entire facility is destroyed. An epic battle ensues and all the work we've done before will hopefully come to fruition! Let's end this thing!! Thank you everyone for watching the single...
  4. CephasRed

    Gaming WHOA! LOOK OUT!! | Portal 2 (Part 13)

    Wheatley's getting a little aggravated, but it's all according to plan! Just hopefully we can execute it before everything goes to heck...while also having a near death experience in the process!
  5. CephasRed

    Gaming THE NICEST THING SHE'S EVER SAID | Portal 2 (Part 12)

    It's actually lots of fun hearing GLaDOS and Wheatley bicker at each other. Let's solve some more of these agonizingly complicated tests and smash some more monitors! Wheee!
  6. CephasRed

    Gaming OH...HELLO AGAIN... | Portal 2 (Part 11)

    We came, we saw, we conquered, and now we vault up one last puzzle to meet with the moron himself...Wheatley...who's been taking care of the facility quite well...except the fact that it's all about to go up in flames.
  7. CephasRed

    Gaming MAD MAN'S LEGACY | Portal 2 (Part 9)

    Further exploring this lost facility, I come across new and weird experiments that are sure to be safe for human kind...pfft. Also, you'll NEVER guess who I find again! Yes, I shaved, because my beard was getting out of control xD It'll come back in a day or two.
  8. CephasRed

    Gaming LOST UNDERGROUND EXPEDITION... | Portal 2 (Part 8)

    After surviving a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG drop down, I come across the disheveled remains of what looks to be a research facility long forgotten...hm...I wonder where potato GLaDOS is...?
  9. CephasRed

    Gaming THE SCREAMING DEMON | Portal 2 (Part 7)

    After sabotaging her weapons and leaving her unarmed... it looks like we're home free thanks to Wheatley's plan! It's time to meet up again with the ever sadistic GLaDOS and show her who's boss! Freedom here we come!
  10. CephasRed

    Gaming THE ESCAPE!! | Portal 2 (Part 6)

    Wheatley and I finally make a break for it! What will we find in behind the scenes of GLaDOS' test chambers, in order to fight back against her???
  11. CephasRed

    Gaming THE PLAN... | Portal 2 (Part 4)

    GLaDOS further berates me as I continue slaving through her tests. However, there happens to be a reunion and a plan afoot!
  12. CephasRed

    Gaming BACK TO TESTING... | Portal 2 (Part 3)

    I seriously cannot wait to have GLaDOS try to kill me over and over again with all this testing! It's gonna be so much FUUUUUUUN~! Can you hear the dreaded sarcasm in my voice? :D
  13. CephasRed

    Gaming WELCOME BACK...YOU MONSTER | Portal 2 (Part 2)

    Figuring out some more old tests and Wheatley helps us navigate the area in order to find an escape pod. However...something goes awry, and we face something...or rather...someone familiar.