
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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  1. Sir Callem

    Service Banners and logo. Just £1 (Limited offer)

    Limit time offer reply quick :) My portfolio is on my website :
  2. DTACGaming

    Request Review of my Youtuber's Life & Shoppe Keep Let's Plays

    Hey guys, I would like some feedback on my Youtuber's Life & Shoppe Keep let's Play FYI 1. The blurryness (because i encoded and used the wrong settings) has been fixed 2. My microphone is crap i know, trying to save up for a decent standalone mic Thanks :)
  3. Ninjaz Vid

    GFX Request Youtube Logo Needed! (Will Pay Cheap!)

    Hello! I am here to request free or cheap graphics from your professionalism, I mainly want this graphics for my youtube channel Zire - I especially want a clean professional gaming logo for Zire, It could be a unique design, or the letter...
  4. BMcC Designs

    Service Cheap 3D INTROS!!!

    Hey! Do you need a really nice 3D intro? You are in the right place! Check out my portfolio and add my on Skype of your interested. Skype: bmccdesigns Portfolio:
  5. E


    Hey. I'm Eze Mugweni I edit videos for people. I just finished editing an video for someone to upload on their YouTube channel and he liked it. I even added music to his call of duty black ops 3 compilation. I charge $1. And I use paypal CONTACT ME: Skype:chibueze2002...
  6. acrobatic tutorial

    Community Introducing my channel

    Hello guys! My name is Ivan and I am from Croatia. When I was a little boy, 5 years old. The TV was emitted a show in which some dude wearing a white suit in a disco club perform twenty back Handspring. I fell in love in acrobatic, but unfortunately my town is small and too poor to have a...