ps4 pro

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  1. SheepDreams

    Gaming Funny Little Montage

    Heyo Name is sheepy recently been posting videos about the highly rated ps4 game dreams! It has all the good memes in it and some gameplay if you're into that stuff let me know! Also tell me what you think about it?
  2. riganthor

    Gaming Duelling Game Opinions: Horizon Zero Dawn, mecha dinosaurs!

    In this episode we go into earths future, in a time where mechanical dinosaurs roam the earth. we are going to look Horizon Zero dawn. we will look if this game is any good, if it make any sense and... well it doesnt make sense but hey you get to fight mechanical dinosaurs! so come and join in...
  3. Ramen TimeTv

    Gaming As 2017 come to and End , What Era will start that 2018 has to pick up!

    Now with out a doubt 2017 still have A LOT ! in store for the rest of the year in terms of Shadow Of War Destiny 2 Madden 18 2k and NBA Live 18 Law Breakers Marvel Vs. Capcom Assassains Creed Origins The Evil Within 2 Call Of Duty WWII Crackdown 3 Forza 7 And with Early 2018 titles like...
  4. InfamousVigilante

    Gaming Kate or Gabe!? The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale Gameplay

    Hey everyone! I am coming to with my choices of the walking dead season 3 episode 5. You will get to see the outcome between who I choose and what reaction comes to it. If you enjoy definitely like, comment, and share this video! Thanks to anyone for the support.
  5. InfamousVigilante

    Gaming Everybody and these Butt Injections!? Injustice 2 Funny Gameplay

    New gameplay of Injustice 2 is up on my channel! Been awhile since I played a fighting style game so i will be a bit rusty but I'll try to get better at it! Thank you anyone who watched. If you did enjoy, definitely like,comment, and share this video!
  6. InfamousVigilante

    Gaming SHE'S A DEMON!? Little Nightmare Ending + Review Gameplay

    Here is the ending gameplay to Little Nightmare.I hope you enjoy the video with my funny commentary and reactions. Especially grab your snacks! As well as, I give my review and explanation to the story at the end. If you agree or you have your theories comment down below to get a discussion started!
  7. Daegnard

    Finalizado Sorteo con MGNesp, Stratus y Flowstreet - PS4 Pro, PS VR , GTA V + 10M (cash in game)

    ¡Hola a todos y Feliz año Nuevo! Tenemos regalitos para empezar el año, vamos a sortearlos entre los participantes para celebrar el año nuevo y la publicación de nuestro documental con Stratus y Flowstreet del que ya os hablamos hace unos días aquí. Lo único que debes hacer es: Seguir la...
  8. F


    Hey guys, I just opened a new channel, where I tell crazy experiences I had while playing games on HD. Games like battlefield 1, dying light, infinite warfare, grand theft auto 5, modern warfare remastered.. make sure to subscribe ! YoungFreshWeed is my channel!