racing games

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  1. SannuG

    Educational Quality Settings For Recording (misconceptions)

    Dear Community, Today I will be sharing some interesting misconceptions that a lot of Let's Players have shared with you when it comes to quality options, bitrate and etc when doing Let's Play's, also note for staff members, the video I will be using on this post are educational purpose (the...
  2. JJ Krispy

    Xbox Collaboration WANT TO COLLAB (Racing Games)?

    I'm JJ Krispy and I mainly post racing/car games. I would like to collab with other Youtubers in the same genre. Reply if your interested. Channel: JJ Krispy
  3. Antonio Lascari

    Gaming Making A Racing Fans Community

    Hello Everyone! Let me give you a short introduction about myself. My name is Antonio, I'm 21 years old and I am from Denmark. Most of my time I use to study Software Engineering. Besides the studying, I make YouTube content! As you could sense from the title - my channel is about gaming...
  4. wiskorgaming

    PlayStation Collaboration I would to collab with other psn youtubers :)

    I would love to help out ps4 youtubers in a way you want to grow your channel. If you would like a shoutout or a tip or even be in one of my videos then be sure to let me know. That's the reason I made this thread, to help you all. Thank you My psn is wiskor12. Thanks alot -wiskorgaming ☺