raspberry pi

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  1. Gaetano Formicola

    Other Milestone A nice goal, satisfied, but I ask for advice.

    Hello friends I reached 180, but with so much effort, I don't know what I'm missing or I'm wrong. I kindly ask some of you to view my channel and tell me what I can do to improve, I would like to reach some surprising goals, if I succeed it is also thanks to the advice you will give me, I...
  2. TeamRespawn

    Idea: Raspberry Pi as uploader machine

    So I had a Raspberry Pi 2 laying around I haven't been using, so I turned it into an uploading machine. Since I normally upload my videos overnight and make them live at a later date, I thought this would be a great substitute. It also saves my PC from running all night. I took the Raspberry...
  3. Anthony Navarro

    Tech Get to know Magnezone150,New member of the Freedom Family

    Hello Freedom! Community! I'm Anthony Navarro (Magnezone150), I'm a Technopreneur with my YouTube Channels under Non-profit 'Magnezone World' and Linux-based Profit Business 'AJN Technologies' while Running as a Political Candidate in all three levels of Canadian government! (Federal...