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  1. EmperorFun

    Gaming Sinking Boats And Burning Ovens! "Ghost Recon Wildlands E14"

    We start off by sinking a laboratory on a boat. After the stealthy approach fails we resort to a quick open firefight before we blow up the boat with some MacGyver ingenuity. We then make our way to a cocaine paste cooking laboratory. Some sneaky kills and a some not so sneaky kills later our...
  2. EmperorFun

    Gaming Destroying The Cocaine Production! Ghost Recon Wildlands E13

    Destroying The Cocaine Production! Ghost Recon Wildlands E13 Today we hunt for El Emisario's assistant, after some racing after and ramming his car we get him and he gives us the door code for the factory. A quick shot takes care of him. We then make our way to the factory, our first try where...
  3. EmperorFun

    Gaming Getting To Know El Emisario! Ghost Recon Wildlands E12

    Getting To Know El Emisario! Ghost Recon Wildlands E12 We make our way over to Ocoro where Bowman feeds us some intel on El Emisario the Boss of this new province. Then we start to gather our own intel on possible targets to draw El Emisario out.
  4. EmperorFun

    Gaming Finishing Carzita And His VIP's Ghost Recon Wildlands E11

    This time we take of Carzita himself, a short boat ride from our starting position Carzita is having a huge party. A few well-placed shots and the way to him is free. We interrogate him and he tells us where the server with the VIP list is. We borrow one of his choppers and on the seconde try we...
  5. EmperorFun

    Gaming Politicians and Casinos

    ***Enter The Ghost Recon Wildlands Giveaway*** Politicians and Casinos Ghost Recon Wildlands E9 We start today's episode by getting our self a new Assult Rifle the Russian-made SR3M. We then start our attack on the casino to scare some more VIP's, it's not going...
  6. EmperorFun

    Gaming The Resort Ghost Recon Wildlands E8

    ***Enter The Ghost Recon Wildlands Giveaway*** The Resort Ghost Recon Wildlands E8 We start the episode off by making our way to a major piece of intel. After taking out a few enemies and collecting the intel we make our way up to the resort. We have a long...
  7. EmperorFun

    Gaming Freeing Prisoners

    Culta's Prisoner Ghost Recon Wildlands E5 We start today's episode by gathering some intel, we catch one Lieutenant and find one Intel Cache. We then take the helicopter and make our way to Culta. We resolve the situation pretty easy and talk to the prisoner. After fleeing from Culta, we are on...
  8. EmperorFun

    Gaming Watch Me Steal A Car!!!

    El Polito's Sports Car Ghost Recon Wildlands E4 We make our way to where El Polito's Sports Car is, after quickly taking out the enemies and collecting all the spoils, we are on our way to deliver the car to the rebel hideout. We then raid a medical supply helicopter by killing a few sicarios...