review my channel

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  1. Jack Bounds

    Offering I'll review your channel!

    I will review your channel to the best of my ability. I've learnt a lot in the past week myself so I will pass on that information as well as give you any personal tips that I have learnt myself! Video or entire channel it's up to you! I have the most experience with YouTube, but I'll accept...
  2. C

    Review4Review Help me grow :)

    Hello! My name is camden bedinghaus and i have a vlog channel trying to grow. I seem to do many things right, and i feel like i deserve much more views and subscribers. Can anyone of you please help me out and figure out what I'm doing wrong? i have more subs than views. thank you guys. Lets...
  3. derwinvlog

    VLOG my vlog review on the magic lamp

    my vlog review on the magic lamp
  4. derwinvlog

    Request please review my vlog channel

    please review my vlog channel and tell me what is needed to improve on it,, heres the link to the channel
  5. Paranoia Origins 2

    Gaming Trying a new type of Intro and Outro

    Hey, guys just got adobe premiere pro again so I can do a lot better with my videos editing, though yes I still need a lot of work to get better at it ok I get it sheesh. But to the point, this video is me trying a new way of doing an intro and a new outro with music that I can use so long as I...
  6. Paranoia Origins 2

    Gaming Struggles of Starting YouTuber

    Hey everyone hows it going? I'm been trying out so many different ways of trying to grow my channel and its one hell of a struggle to get subs and views. Names Paranoia Origins fresh YouTuber using my PS4 to live stream, upload, edit using "youtube editor" (yeah I know it sucks but I use what...
  7. TheFiveHive


    Tomick here from TFH i just wanted to put this out there that i played PAC-MAN for 3 hours in one sitting so please don't let this go to waste check it out and subscribe if you like other content
  8. C

    Review4Review Review Please!

    Hello freedom! i am looking for a review on my channel because i need some advice on what to change and what not to change. i can't currently post a link to my channel because i havent posted enough yet, but my channel is : Camden Bedinghaus i am a vlogging cchannel. If anyone reviews my...
  9. Raid Chico

    Request My BIG NEWS Video

    I would like you guys to review a video I just recently posted today! Tell me what you think needs improvements and whats good! Thank you all! :)
  10. Nexus Vibes

    Request NexusVibes - Please Review Our Music Channel!

    Hello from NexusVibes! 1st of all thanks for clicking this post, Your AWESOME! ;). I'm trying to be a no copyright music promoter, just recently hit 70 subs which is fantastic, Right now we are uploading songs from a few no copyright producers who have partnered with us to have there tracks...
  11. xScarlife Gaming

    Request I would like a honest channel review

    Hello everyone, Recently I have been working on changing my youtube channel since the subscribers were not coming in as fast as I had expected it to be. So I have changed my thumbnails and the way I create my video's. I have practiced some editing as well. So my question is to you who are...
  12. Lord Dan

    Request Review my latest video.

    Hey guys; so recently I have been breaking away from being a Minecraft only channel and moving into a more 'sandbox games in general' channel. I've changed both my recording software and editing software and putting a little more effort into editing and polishing my content and thumbnails. I've...
  13. MicahFischer2

    Review4Review Could Someone Review My Latest Video for A Review in Return

    Could you review my latest video here? Reply with a sentence or two about what you thought then tell me the video, channel, channel art or other aspect of your YouTube channel you want me to review
  14. MasterAceTV

    Request Can you review my channel?

    Hello fellow Freedomers! If you can i really want you guys to review my channel. I want to improve it if its with the content, channel art and anything else! I know i can count on you guys to say all the problems even if its a tiny one. (Also if you found a problem i'll be glad if you gave me...
  15. KushalGamer

    Request Can You Review My Vid!

    I want to know if you like my video! I want someone's opinion if my video is good or i should change something! If you want me to review yours you can comment below as well!
  16. Hoboglobin

    Request Tell me how i can Improve my channel!

    Hey guys! I'm Hoboglobin and I'm all about improving and helping others to improve. Give me some constructive criticism to help me improve my channel!
  17. Christina Kersten

    Request How can I improve my video?

    So I just uploaded a new video and I want to know how I can make it better. I try and be relatable and my video is on why being short sucks, I think short people can relate to it. Do you guys think I ramble on for too long? And also, I changed how my thumbnails looked recently, do you guys like...
  18. TheUltimateVertex

    Request Is my channel ok?

    Hey I've been part of the Youtube Community for almost a year now and most people would be up in the 100 sub category but I'm sitting here at 45. Could you check my channel out and see if my commentaries are bad or are my thumnails, or just the content all togethter. Thank You