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  1. MuchMarcoos

    Community SHOUTOUTS/Let's help eachother grow

    HEY Whats up everyone, my name is MuchMarcoos and just like most of you i love to make videos. My channel consists of the usual hilarious gameplay videos, roasting vids, funny remixes, all that stuff. But ive had an idea for a video were i roast my irl friend and i need some help. I want to...
  2. BradReidOfficial

    Comedy Unique YouTube Channel (BROfficial TV)

    Hi, I'm Brad Reid from BROfficial TV. I'm from Ontario, Canada. I'm interested in comedy and film making, and spend my time when I'm not on YouTube playing bass guitar on stage for 100s. I've been with Freedom for about a year and on YouTube for almost 2 years. My channel BROfficial TV has...