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  1. colormejones

    Gaming Proof Tetris Makes You Gay

    Tetris is arguably the most well known game of all time, if you don't include Mario, Call of Duty, Sonic, The Witcher, and Mass Effect. I was recently livestreaming it for views, when something really, really strange came upon me. A feeling I had never felt before, which promptly disappeared as...
  2. QuietBlackGuy

    Comedy My way of becoming successful on youtube 2016

    It's honestly that simple, though I wouldn't really look into these tips.
  3. PleaseDavid

    Comedy So I heard you guys like to LAUGH?

    Sup, names David, my female friends call me "Daddy" but David is fine. I am currently a University student looking for a way out...of everything. Alcohol can only fix so much. My ultimate goal is to have a future in the Entertainment industry (not the adult kind) and just make people laugh and...
  4. DeadBeat

    Comedy Comedy Skit/Thing off of Sponsorship.

    I had gotten a sponsorship so I had two options: take it completely seriouisly or have some fun and make a beautiful false ad about it. (although the sponsor is real). Enjoy!
  5. Josh Chawelson

    Comedy Hello: My Name is Josh: I once killed a lion, am from Africa. We do that every 16th birthday

    Hi Guys.. My name is Josh Chawelson, and YES, I once killed a lion because that is what we do out here when we get to 16 years old, We dont have MTV sweet 16 birthdays, where we bring popular musicians like Nicki Minaj here we kill lions...We also dont play those computer assassin games in the...
  6. Jusia kulluiin

    Gaming Sup I am here! I make QUALITY CONTENT!

    Hello so welcome myself to the Freedom forums xD I make satire content on Youtube and I have my own Subreddit! Recent video link: Reddit: www.reddit/r/Mlgbae I joined Freedom because I wanted to grow and use the cool music they offer aswell as use the forums and get more people to collaborate...
  7. Sgt. Bastian

    Other Collaboration Sgt. Bastian Looking for Reaction Channel Collab!

    How's ti going everyone, Sgt. Bastian here! Looking for: I'm looking for a satire comedy channel to collaborate with, my channel is brand new, and would sure appreciate the help and I am sure we can grow together alot! If you are interested, please watch my content to see if we match, and if...
  8. Sgt. Bastian

    Comedy Introducing Sgt. Bastian!

    What is going on everyone, Sgt. Bastian here to introduce you to my clickbait channel. Content: the style is pretty self-explanatory, I do satirical commentary reactions, with gameplay, and yes whilst that has been done to death at this point, it is the type of content that I truly love...
  9. WolfyVibes

    PC Collaboration Satire Channels Collaboration

    Here Are My Requirments Must Have 50+ Active Views Skype Good Mic Age -
  10. WolfyVibes

    Gaming Hi Im Wolfy! A Satire CS:GO Commentator!

    Hi Guys Im Wolfy Ive Been With Freedom for 5 months but just found out about the Forums! Thanks George!, So I Make Satire Content While Playing CSGO Gameplay Then React to the video commentating on it Check Out My Channel! Remember All My Content Is Satire Search (TrinityOG) On YouTube and my...
  11. FreebootCreative

    Other Collaboration Looking for people that like satire and a darker humor

    Hi, I am looking for some creative people out there to have some talks with and just make entertaining and funny videos about a certain topic. This could be anything from Sam Pepper over Donald Trump to how to Peel bananas.. - you get the point. On my channel I make satire and dark humor...
  12. FreebootCreative

    Entertainment Hello Freedom! Commiunity!

    Hi, good evening or whatever it might be where you live :) I just started out with my channel 4 days ago, I'd really appreciate a nice Channel Review. If you are wondering what my content is: I make satirical, black humor videos about other YouTubers, Society and more! If you like some satirical...
  13. F

    Comedy I am F7ip

    Hey I am F7ip, I am a british commentator aged 15 and I make satire and comedic videos whilst playing CS:GO and other various games. I found freedom through videos of great partnerships and so far, this seems like a welcoming system. I simply joined the forums so I can mabye show you something...