satire channel

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  1. Pop Guru

    Comedy Life's too short too not laugh a little

    She said my accent sound kinda fake, I said that's your opinion but I bet my curry aint'!
  2. Jusia kulluiin

    Gaming Sup I am here! I make QUALITY CONTENT!

    Hello so welcome myself to the Freedom forums xD I make satire content on Youtube and I have my own Subreddit! Recent video link: Reddit: www.reddit/r/Mlgbae I joined Freedom because I wanted to grow and use the cool music they offer aswell as use the forums and get more people to collaborate...
  3. HannebambelTV

    Comedy Roasting by HannebambelTV ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    So I'm HannebambelTV and talk about ugly trends and cancerous YouTube-Channels that are just so damn stupid. I also do montage parodies. These videos are not to be taken seriously! You wanna collab or some stuff? Got an idea? Just hit me up.
  4. Sgt. Bastian

    Other Collaboration Sgt. Bastian Looking for Reaction Channel Collab!

    How's ti going everyone, Sgt. Bastian here! Looking for: I'm looking for a satire comedy channel to collaborate with, my channel is brand new, and would sure appreciate the help and I am sure we can grow together alot! If you are interested, please watch my content to see if we match, and if...