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  1. HealPleaseHeal

    Community Holiday Plans and Expected Gifts.... :)

    Hey guys, As we near the Holiday's and that special day where we're anticipating gifts and so much love that would make us all vomit a little, I wanted to know what some of you guys have planned for the holidays and potentially what you're expecting for Christmas? I'll go first. Being a...
  2. TeeGee

    News You CAN Record More Than 15 Minutes On PS4!

    So, I've seen a bunch of comments saying that they use the built-in PS4 Recording system to get video clips. Most people's complaint is that "It can only record 15 minutes at a time" But this is not true!! If you go to Settings, then "Sharing and Broadcasts" You will see an option that says...
  3. Marchman_97

    Gaming Have a Youtube??

    Have a youtube channel with gaming content? Let's talk and be able to share our different channels with everyone! My name is Marchman_97 and I am 19 years old working on finding as much friends through my channel and freedom. If you want to share please do :)
  4. TGPGaming

    Other Collaboration Playlist for Playlist

    Hey Everyone I am searching for 3 active youtubers did would be interrested to Promote eachothers playlist on there youtube page. What This Means is i want to feature your videos on my youtube channel by adding on to an extra section into my channels homepage. Now if vieuwers visit my channel...
  5. Claudia Stella

    Service Free Channel Reviews

    Hi, I'd like to offer you guys a free channel review! All you have to do is return the favour. I make one for you, you make one for me. Simple. (Video Reviews Only) Although, I must ask that you meet the following requirements: Must have at least 100 Subscribers Must have more than 20 videos...