social blade

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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  1. avrona

    YouTube Dropped to D+ Grade on Social Blade? Is This Bad?

    So when I checked my Social Blade statistics yesterday, I saw that my grade dropped from a C- to D+. So I started to wonder about the consequences for my channel. If it's doing so badly, what will happen, and what can I do about it? This is the lowest it has been since I started my channel and...
  2. U

    Free tools for every Youtuber!

    Hello all, welcome to another thread, and today's topic is FREE stuff, I mean come on who doesn't like free stuff, that can help you as a Youtuber, all of the software that I mention today will be Free for you to use Freedom Family! So let's jump in! Free Editing Sofware Windows Movie Maker -...