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  1. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Inside tge mind of a cyborg: What I would like to see in FE Switch

    In this video so do I talk about what I would like to see in the new Fire Emblem game coming to Nintendo Switch next year. I would like to hear your opinion not just on this video, but on what you'd like to see in a new Fire Emblem game. (Oh no, I misspelled the title of the thread. How awful. :( )
  2. Cool Joe

    Gaming Nintendo NX Thoughts (So Far)

    E3 ended a few weeks ago and I wanted to do a update on the Nintendo NX. My thoughts are based off of rumors and what I think is most likely to happen. All of this video is speculation so please take that with a grain of salt. If you like this kind of video then like, comment your thoughts, and...
  3. Kapudowitski

    Gaming FUTURE IS HERE... again [Infinite Warfare Opinion & Speculation]

    Hey everybody! So I just noticed that there is a new ending cutscene on Nuk3town in Black Ops 3. They show a giant spaceship flying over the map and some kind of faction or enterprise logo with a skull in the background. Check out the ending cutscene on Nuk3town HERE: What do you think...
  4. clarksideFPS

    Gaming DESTINY [NEW VIDEO] - Why I'm Tired of Clickbait and Speculation...

    DESTINY - Speculation, Shmeculation - Clickbait Title is Clickbait!!!