
  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
  • Remember to read the F.A.Q. before posting in the Support section/Portal!
  1. yuniqe

    Watch Time Milestone 100k views 400k watchtime

    Bout to hit 400k watchtime :3
  2. Ashley SilverDust

    Newsletter New Contest, Forum Updates, YouTube Changes, & More!

    Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Freedom! Community Team with another Community Newsletter for you. Change is in the air, all around, it's everywhere. Let's see if you've been keeping up, and catch you up if you've missed anything in the last couple of weeks. Creativity For The...
  3. N

    Network More Sponsorships!

    Hey Freedom! Few months ago you made a video about new sponsorships and you said that we can request things and the most requested things you will try to get for the freedom members.A lot of us made a lot of good requests and we didn't get a new sponsorship opportunity since then.Can you add...
  4. Niidikene

    Network We Have To Partner Wih VidIQ!

    We Have To Partner Wih VidIQ! It would really help us! :) Best Regards Niidikene
  5. Gail Alter

    Network More Sponsorships for Female Vloggers

    Hi! There are a lot of male oriented sponsorship opportunities and i was hoping to get more sponsorships for channels like my own!