subscribers milestones

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  1. SxcySounds

    Subscriber Milestone 3000 subscribers! getting close to the 4000!

    Wow YouTube sure is been a journey I remember when we used to be 110 subs now we are at 3000 subs can't be thankful enough for everyone that subscribed and stay with us. You guys are amazing and thank you for helping us making this world a Sxcy place! Help us turn this wold into a Sxcy place by...
  2. K Army Gaming

    Subscriber Milestone 100+ Subscribers

    We have been aiming for 100 subscribers at the end of last year but we didn't make it sadly. But as the new year started we jumped from around 87 to 100 and we just want to say thanks to everyone who subbed and supported us. Its a really fun experience being on YouTube and even though we may...
  3. SannuG

    YouTube Views Milestone 1,5k total views.

    Hello, I'm close to reaching 40 subs, currently at 38. Also, finally after months of work, saying of "quitting youtube" I've finally reached my mark of total views, 1,5k total views, makes me proud. Thank you.
  4. Chronamut

    Tips & Tricks Chronamut's Tips for Maintaining your Followers

    So you want tips to maintain your fan base eh? Well pull up a chair and pay attention! As we all know, this is one of the worst generations for "loyalty" - people are so inundated with information and visuals that they flit from one place to another like an adhd butterfly on crack. As a...
  5. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    Subscriber Milestone I've hit over 5K SUBSCRIBERS! OMG.

    Ive finally hit over 5K subscribers! a Mile stone I fought would be impossible for me to accomplish :D A lot of hard work and effort goes into my videos and over 5K subscribers loving my content, Its amazing and I can't express how proud I am, I know a lot of people say 5K isn't much but for me...
  6. The Con

    Subscriber Milestone 5 Subscribers!!!!!!!!!

    Recently, I hit five subscribers and I'm just so excited that some people care about me. I am finally happy to be back at YouTube again after my friends stopped wanting to upload on our 185 subscriber channel.
  7. Alpha Gaming TM

    Subscriber Milestone Thanks for 3,000 subscribers!

    Thank you guys so much for 3,000 subscribers!
  8. HoradeJugarVyK

    Subscriber Milestone 500 subs

    Yeahhhh with effort and dedication we have managed to reach 500 subscribers :). Remembering that with perseverance, dedication, passion goals are achieved.
  9. Nuke

    Subscriber Milestone 700 Subscriber Giveaway!!

    Hey guys, I just reached 700 total subscribers yesterday and to celebrate I am doing a huge JerkyXP giveaway!! :D If you want more info, watch the video! :)
  10. Raid Chico

    Subscriber Milestone 1,000 Subscribers!

    I just hit 1,000 subscribers! I can't thank you guys enough for this huge milestone for me! I love you guys! :)
  11. Raid Chico

    Subscriber Milestone Hit 900 Subscribers!

    I just wanted to say that I've recently gained 900 subscribers! I feel so accomplished for some reason and for what my subscribers/supporters have done for me for this whole time. I couldn't have done this without my subscribers! And also, I'm 100 subscribers away from 1,000 subscribers! This is...
  12. Raid Chico

    Subscriber Milestone 800 Subscribers!

    I recently have gotten 800 subscribers! 4 days ago, I reached 700 subscribers, and thanks to the Freedom! family, I then reached an additional 100 subscribers in less than 4 days! Thanks so much! :)
  13. CDT929

    Subscriber Milestone 300 subscribers!

    I just recently hit 300 subs! This is huge, especially because I've only really started working hard on my channel in the past year. It goes to show that hard work pays off! (at least, in the long run anyway :P )
  14. dan K


    Hey, guys, I'm looking for people who play games on ps4 and love making videos for everyone to enjoy contact me here first then add me on ps4 ps4: Kipchumba13 youtube: grave zone gamer subscribers: 76 Upload schedule: weekends trough to Monday
  15. MinstrellHD 2

    Subscriber Milestone Nearing 100 SUBSCRIBERS

    I'm nearing 100 beautiful subscribers, will you help me get there?? It would be very much appreciated
  16. INDI vidual

    Subscriber Milestone 15 Subscribers! Yay!

    I'm happy with the fact that 15 people had subscribed to me and have time and desire to watch my videos. I want to say thanks to them and that this means a lot to me :) I will keep up creating good mood for you and continue playing random games mumbling along them :D Thank you so much. Again.
  17. Chronamut

    Tips & Tricks Chronamut's tips for growing your channel

    So you want tips to grow your channel eh? Well pull up a chair and pay attention! Let's start first with the freedom forums - congratulations, you have taken the first step! Unfortunately, freedom is not a network you sign up to and they magically get you subscribers - no they provide you the...
  18. Panic Puppet Gaming

    Subscriber Milestone Positive Vibes! - Soo Happy but much more to do!!

    Honestly, I just wanna give out some positive vibes im having - I've just made a new Video and gained about 6/7 new subscribers in about 12 hrs - yes I know it's not much but for a newbie it's not too bad :) I've also had the following comment (on google+) from; WheatleyGAMING 10:58 AM Reply...
  19. J

    Subscriber Milestone Finally hit 2000 Subs!!!!

    hello friends. i am very happy because i just hit 2000 subs.i started my channel on 16 jan 2016 and i hitted 2000 subs on exact a month thanks to you all guys.