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  1. Deathlake

    Film/Animation WHO wants a SHOUTOUT!

    It took a year to create this for uni! offering a shout out to whoever watches this animation then answers these questions! Questions: 1)what do you think the animation is about? 1b) what do you think the moral or message of the story is? 2)What do you think the relationship between the...
  2. Deathlake

    Film/Animation REVEAL!

    Title reveal for thesis animation!. Please do comment below or on the actual video what you think the animation is about just from the title! if you like it or hate it,what genre it looks or sound like. Do you think its a memorable? eg answers 1) what title? 2) forgettable 3) somewhat...
  3. James Starbuck

    2016 Weakest Summer movie season yet?

    Hey guys & gals, was talking with a few other Movie Reviewer colleagues and some of my work friends as well about this and not sure if anyone agrees with me but I think this Summer has been extremely weak for movies this year. Sure you've had real gems such as Captain America: Civil War, X-Men...
  4. Vic Leonard Ventosa

    VLOG Channel Update June 2016 (Back To School) | Website Launched!

    Hello Geeks! Today I bring you this channel update video of what is going to be happening this month. Sad to say but my summer is over and about to go back to school. Hoping that I can still upload at least two videos a week. If you did enjoy, Don't forget to leave a like, Share this to your...