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  1. Anthony Smith

    Opinion DreamScaper has lead me down a rabbit hole that I don't know how to handle

    Hey all, As many of you know Dreamscaper releases in like 6 days. Once I found out about Freedom! Games publishing this title I figured I'd check it out and man, WTF. the first thing that jumped out at me was that in the trailer nobody has a face. Humans are hard wired to recognize faces...
  2. Thelazysideoflife

    VLOG Testing his theories

    But it still is a matter of luck
  3. Owen Griffiths

    Gaming Gaming - Theory - Creative Content Creator.

    Hey people, my names Owen, and my channel is called Oween. I've been on youtube for the past 5+ years; switching from channel to channel, due to thoughts of rebranding my name. First channel was about 7-8 years ago when I made camera-esk videos, where i would record my screen - granded i was...
  4. TheCodyNetwork

    Comedy "WELCOME TO YOUTUBE PARK!" Jake Paul Theory + MERCH GIVEAWAY! (Wake Up!)

    Howdy, everyone! This is my latest episode of Wake Up With Cody! It came out about three days ago, but it's still worth a watch. Anyways, the "Jake Paulers" are the strongest army out there--- if you didn't know--- and there is no way to stop them. At least that's what I thought. .... Well, I...