unity 3d

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  1. K

    Gaming Unity 3D/Anything Collaboration

    Hello Freedom Family, Here's a brief Intro about me: Name: Kruthi Kanj Singh Rathod Where am I from? : Hyderabad, TS, India. Where do I live? : Bridgeport, CT, USA How old am I? : 24 How did I find Freedom!? : Through Youtube Videos What made you join our forums? : Searching for someone to...
  2. Gravity

    Gaming I made a Game!!

    So I didn't know where else to post this but I think it fits well in here. A couple of months ago I began a project. A couple of weeks ago I finally finished it. I was originally planning on publishing it to ios and Android but decided not to or at least not for now. Don't think its some big...
  3. KnightRiderGuy

    Using Arduino With Unity 3D

    Many may be familiar with the famous game creation software called Unity 3D. This amazing game engine is capable of allowing you to make your own video games easily and quickly. What many may not know is that you can get an Arduino Micro Controller to work with Unity 3D to allow interaction from...
  4. KnightRiderGuy

    VLOG I'm Knight Rider Guy

    Hello, I was trying to make a little more robust of an introduction but it said my content was spam.... lol go figure. Anyways My name is Michael knight, I go by the name "Knight Rider Guy" on Google plus and YouTube. I am fulfilling a life long dream to build my dream car which is a replica of...