upload milestone

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  1. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    Upload Milestone 400+ unboxing videos

    Can believe it, but I finally got over 400 unboxings videos on my channel, insane and the year isnt even over! Trying to reach 1,000 unboxings videos if possible as a goal. Mostly I do DVD Unboxing now, but on the rare chance I do Game Unboxings and Product Unboxings. I still think this is a...
  2. Gaming Community Zeeland

    Upload Milestone I'm uploaded my 215 video!

    Hello everybody, I have just made my 215 video uploaded to my channel. 215 video check it out
  3. Gaming Community Zeeland

    Upload Milestone 200 Videos uploaded

    Hello all, 1 day ago I finally got my 200th video uploaded to me channel!!! It is a Milestone. want to thank everyone to go to my videos.
  4. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    Upload Milestone 200 DVD Unboxing Videos!!

    So its finally happened, I managed to unboxing a total of 200 DVDs on my channel, thats a insane amount of unboxing videos for just dvds. Altogether with my other unboxing videos, I have the number at 290, 10 more and ill be at 300 total unboxing videos for my channel. Just wanted to share...
  5. RyanSellers

    Upload Milestone 700 Total Videos

    I just hit 700 total YouTube videos today! It has been a long journey so far on YouTube and I'm loving every moment of it! It's fun and also awesome to make cool connections along the way making friends with small channels and big celebrities that have been in the industry for years as well!
  6. iGoDZoFLuiGii

    Upload Milestone 200+ Unboxing Videos!

    Its happened, Ive finally hit over 200 unboxing videos for my channel, and 140 of them are DVD's! Thats crazy when I look at it, I started it thinking to myself ill upload one now and then.... now I got over 200 unboxings!
  7. PowerGuy88

    Upload Milestone 1100 uploads

    Today, I just uploaded my 1100th video! Still can't believe it took 6 years to reach this many videos. Hopefully, I can try to upload 1500 videos before the end of this year and 2000 in 2018!
  8. Fluffy

    Upload Milestone 2,0(43) Uploads

    According to YouTube, I joined on 01/20/2012, so 5 years is a good run. In terms of how it feels to me, I'm not entirely certain as to if it has felt like 5 years, or longer, or not as long. In any case, it has been a wonderful adventure. I've been happy to take trips down memory lane by...
  9. Original Gamesters

    Upload Milestone 100 Videos!!

    Hello Freedom! We are very happy to announce a milestone that seemed to take forever. WE HAVE 100 VIDEOS UP! We also have our first collab video up with BtwItsTiger. We couldn't have done it without the inspiration our fans and viewers have given us. We've started streaming too, which made...
  10. RyanSellers

    Upload Milestone 500 Total Videos!

    I just hit 500 total videos on my channel! YouTube has been a wild journey so far doing daily!
  11. KushalGamer

    Upload Milestone WELL 50 VIDEOS!!!!

    It's been about 4 month since I started YouTube and it's so freaking fun and I reached 50 vids!
  12. HBR MOTO

    Upload Milestone Complete my 10 videos on my channel

    Complete my 10 videos on my channel and more to go and very close to 100 subscribers with good views :).
  13. StormMoreno

    Upload Milestone 200 Videos in less than a year!

    I've been working my best on my channel and have made 200 videos already on my channel. Now there is a long way to go tell my channel's first-year anniversary and way more videos will be made, more knowledge will be learnt and hopefully, I can do this for a long time.