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  1. RaptorHD

    Dashboard Tubebuddy or VidIQ Pro!

    Hey Awesome People But this might just be me or should there be a VidIQ or tubebuddy pro we can use for FREE! My Friend Who joined scalelab has vidIQ and tubebuddy pro for free! Again i don't wanna overrhelm freedom but i would really like to see something like that! Disagree? leave your reasons.
  2. Niidikene

    Network We Have To Partner Wih VidIQ!

    We Have To Partner Wih VidIQ! It would really help us! :) Best Regards Niidikene
  3. Zachary Harris

    Community Has anyone been having problems uploading to YouTube?

    I think it's my VidIQ extension. I can't upload a thumbnail, anything I put in the description or twitter message, or changes to the title are not put through. I have to upload on Internet Explorer if I want the video to upload correctly. Is it VidIQ that's doing this, or might it be something...
  4. TheAllanPlays

    YouTube VidIQ

    I use VidIQ i think it would be cool if you could get a sponsorship deal with them for Freedom Partners i did post this on on a video freedom did and there is about 8 replays saying they would love VidIQ to be a sponsor what do you guys think