viewer milestone

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  1. HealPleaseHeal

    YouTube Views Milestone 18,000 Views and Rising

    What's up guys. I managed to hit 18,000 views and rising. I'm truly happy with this, and i'm happy at the fact that people are commenting and a community is coming together slowly. This will be a small post, but I hope everyone else is getting those views! Remember to heal, please heal!
  2. Raid Chico

    YouTube Views Milestone 20,000+ Views on Youtube!

    Recently hit 20,000+ views on YouTube! I have gotten so much support in this last month and I am so thankful and appreciate every single one of my Raid family members! <3
  3. G

    Other Milestone I Hit 500 channel views... Plus 20 Subs!!!!

    Hey! So I have been uploading to my channel for around 2 weeks now, within that time I have gained just over 500 TOTAL video views. I have also gained 20 subscribers. I know I haven't been posting for that long, But the journey so far has been insane, I love making videos and my friends (You...
  4. RyanSellers

    YouTube Views Milestone 500,000+ Total Views

    I have recently reached 500,000+ total views overall on my channel.
  5. Frosted Fricks

    Subscriber Milestone 300 Subscribers and 12,000 views

    It is an honor, NAY, a privilege to say I have finally hit my 300th subscriber as of a day ago and peeked over the 12,000 views mark! I am so happy about this and I love the fact that it's thanks to the Freedom family and my dedicated subscribers that I have been able to hit this milestone! It...
  6. RizenGaming

    YouTube Views Milestone 2,000 views Milestone!

    Hi what's up everyone! I would like to thank everyone for checking out my video: "Welcome to Spook City" on my Let's Play through Outlast. I have advertised the video a lot and everyone has responded so well to the video, and again thank you so much for that!