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  1. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Wario Land The SHake Dimension part 8, 9, and 10

    It was a long time since I posted here, so I might post more than just the latest video I made.
  2. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Wario Land The Shake Dimension part 5

    We're moving on to the first two levels of area 2!
  3. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Wario Land The Shake Dimension part 4

    We face the first boss of the game, and it's great. No corny pun intended.
  4. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Wario Land The Shake Dimension part 3

    We visit a waterfall and an actual Aztec pyramid. Or is it a Mayan?
  5. Cyborg-Lucario

    Gaming Let's Play With C-L: Wario Land The Shake Dimension

    Here's a new let's play series by me. We're tackling Wario Land The Shake Dimension (also known as Shake It in USA) for the Wii. Not sure if I can promise a 100% run, but I'll try my best.