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  1. Deathlake

    Life Whats your dream wedding?

    Please do comment below or on the video what is your dream wedding or what you think the most important element of it is to you! ^^ Wedding Fayre or is it wedding fair. Colwick hall hotel mini walkabouts, an owl, wedding cake and view of wedding dresses, free goodie bay unboxing ^^
  2. Fremma

    Other Milestone Graduated from high school!

    On Friday, May 20th 2016 I graduated from Saint Albans High School. My fiancee was there with me every step of the way. I could not have asked for any better then to be with her. She has been through lots of accomplishes of mine and mine through hers. But, this accomplishment is by far one of...
  3. My Daily Video


    Hi guys I am from My Daily Video channel, I hope we can grow together, in my channel you'll find various video and hope it will entertain you, but I am sorry if you find uncomfortable video in my channel, actually I am confuse what category I have to choose because of my video content so I...