youtube help

  • Wondering what earned you credits on the forums? The full list has now been added here
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  1. Senevids


    I feel the most valuable piece of advice I ever got was to just keep producing what you love. The only surefire thing to help you grow on Youtube, and in life, is to just keep putting yourself out there for the world to enjoy. But what's your biggest piece of advice that you have heard?
  2. C

    Review4Review Help me grow :)

    Hello! My name is camden bedinghaus and i have a vlog channel trying to grow. I seem to do many things right, and i feel like i deserve much more views and subscribers. Can anyone of you please help me out and figure out what I'm doing wrong? i have more subs than views. thank you guys. Lets...
  3. Ashley SilverDust

    Newsletter New Contest, Forum Updates, YouTube Changes, & More!

    Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Freedom! Community Team with another Community Newsletter for you. Change is in the air, all around, it's everywhere. Let's see if you've been keeping up, and catch you up if you've missed anything in the last couple of weeks. Creativity For The...
  4. Ashley SilverDust

    Newsletter What you missed last week while you were DABBING on your HATERS!

    Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Community Team with another Community Newsletter! You may have noticed a little delay this week; I didn't forget about you, we moved to Wednesdays! It was worth the wait this week, because I've got a lot of great stuff to share in case you missed...
  5. Gazia

    Tips & Tricks Need help on YouTube? I'll help!

    This forum is meant for you guys who need help with YouTube problems. Ask me anything and I'll try my best to answer your question so you can gain more subscribers and grow bigger! ► Question examples: I don't have good equipment, what should I do? I'm not growing on my channel, help? What are...
  6. Ashley SilverDust

    Newsletter How to Grow and protect your channel from hackers! [July 17th, 2017]

    Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Community Team with another Community Newsletter! If this week had a theme, I'd have to say it's Growth. So let's dive in, grow together as the Freedom! Family, and wrap up this week! July Contest - Ideas to Help Partners Grow! Here is a great...
  7. Ashley SilverDust

    Newsletter This is your chance to make YouTube better! [July 9th, 2017]

    Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Community Team with another Community Newsletter! It's been an interesting week of ups and downs. There's good news and sad news and some in between, you'll have to read on to see what I mean! Let's wrap up this week! Make Suggestions for YT...
  8. Ashley SilverDust

    Newsletter Millionaires help you out & #Vidcon2017 updates! [July 2nd, 2017]

    Hello, everybody! I'm back on behalf of the Community Team with another Community Newsletter! Read on for all the news, helpful videos, exclusives, and awesomeness that we have for you! Let's wrap up this week! YT Creator Monthly: June 2017 It’s that time again, June finished up and YouTube...
  9. M&Mnz

    YouTube Sony Vegas Help

    hello, Does anybody know how i can make a 2 min video into 30 seconds without actually counting. Is there some sort of button that does that. PS. I'm a Sony Vegas noob and this is to prevent copyright Thank you
  10. xAlphaMercx

    Solved Help Changing YouTube Channel Name

    I manage my account under the name AlphaMerc but if you go to YouTube and search for that, it will not show up. If you type xAlphaMercx, it will show up as my real name (Tristen Hilkerbaumer) but when you go to my channel it shows the channel name as AlphaMerc. Does any one know how to fix this...
  11. Frosted Fricks

    Offering Live Channel Reviews!

    Hello there future tubers, newtubers and oldtubers! I am hosting live reviews for YOUR channels made to help You right down to what you can do to adjust your metadata! I host these every Tuesday on MGN and Wednesday on my personal channel at 8pm EST Tuesday 8PM EST (MGN)...
  12. Matt Kriel

    Other Collaboration Channel Promotion in Video

    Hey guys, So I have an idea that can help us all that want to do it. My idea is that we do a channel promotion either in the beginning or ending of your video, something like this "Hey guys before we get into today's video i would like you guys to go check out my friends channel (Channel Name...
  13. ZinQ Nasty

    Community Whats your New Years Resolution?

    Mine is to work out everyday and grind hard at gaming/ comedy skits on youtube, and also do what I enjoy and love at the moment. I also plan on bringing my girl in on my videos and doing reactions to many thing. I hate to be cliche about the new years resolution, but it is what it is. I have...
  14. Ashley SilverDust

    Community Community Team Weekly Wrap Up

    Hello, everybody! October is off to a great start! From the week of October 2nd to October 9th we've got lots to recap and I have a lot of things to share with you! Forum announcements, YouTube features rolling out, polishing projects, tips, updates, videos, & more! Let's Wrap Up This Week...
  15. LifeAsCam

    Review my channel

    Hey guys i started a channel a month ago and i was wondering if anybody would be nice enough to check it out and comment their opinion and some helpful advice, thanks and have a great day
  16. RewindThatGaming

    Tips & Tricks Good amount of subs but less then half do watch mine videos *Think*

    Well I have 205 subs atm, but tiny bit of half of them do watch mine videos, I do know I need thumbnails and better speaking. But is there other way improved mine views I do started put tags in mine descripting and add more thigns to it to imrpoved of it. Im useing Google Plus, Facebook, and...
  17. KushalGamer

    Community Guys help with YouTube upload!!!

    So guys it takes about for me about 1720 minutes or like 17 hour for my video to upload to YouTube so I would like something that would really reduce the time so I can spent more time editing.
  18. Squabbly

    Gaming Squabbly (me) {NO GROWTH}

    Hey guys I am Tom a 16 year old youtuber from Kent, I have a lot of experience in youtube as about a year or so ago I started a sniping team (ShaDe.) This channel reached 200 subscribers in a handful of months but gradually grinded to a halt as I lost motivation for sniping and other people in...
  19. TrillyGuyCP

    Solved I'm still not partnered

    Hey. I signed up for Freedom! in 2013, thinking I was partnered. Here I am 2 years later, still not partnered with freedom, Any ideas what my problem is?