youtube review

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  1. Scriby Catz

    Gaming Age of Conquest IV Gameplay

    Hello Everyone, Hope you enjoy the video.
  2. Scriby Catz

    Request channel review for Zombes18

    Hello my youtube channel is Zombes18 and I had it for about 3 years and I've been improving it but I'm just wondering if I could get a review of what's good whats bad and whats just ok.
  3. multigamefreakz

    Request requesting feedback! for channel and videos

    hi guys we are looking for some feedback for our channel and videos, would really appreciate it so we can see where we need to improve and change, thanks for taking the time to read this from MGFz Team Tom, Carl, Mike
  4. RewindThatGaming

    Request Video Review

    I like a review for this video, Basically I asking is, Is the video entertain or not and I like know what mine highs and lows. I do know I need new headset btw.