Subscriber Milestone 100+ Subscribers

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K Army Gaming

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Sep 10, 2016
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
We have been aiming for 100 subscribers at the end of last year but we didn't make it sadly. But as the new year started we jumped from around 87 to 100 and we just want to say thanks to everyone who subbed and supported us.
Its a really fun experience being on YouTube and even though we may not have the best equipment to make content we use the resources we have to make the very best videos to entertain each and every subscriber.

Being Caribbean YouTubers we really believe that y'all will enjoy the island culture and comedy XD even if y'all giggle a lil bit lol.

Thanks again and we hope we can continue to make y'all laugh no matter how many times you watch our videos :p

zeke morgan

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
Congratulations on hitting your long awaited milestone of 100 subscribers - If you haven't done so already don't forget you can now set a custom URL for your channel :)


Rising User
Jan 11, 2017
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
We have been aiming for 100 subscribers at the end of last year but we didn't make it sadly. But as the new year started we jumped from around 87 to 100 and we just want to say thanks to everyone who subbed and supported us.
Its a really fun experience being on YouTube and even though we may not have the best equipment to make content we use the resources we have to make the very best videos to entertain each and every subscriber.

Being Caribbean YouTubers we really believe that y'all will enjoy the island culture and comedy XD even if y'all giggle a lil bit lol.

Thanks again and we hope we can continue to make y'all laugh no matter how many times you watch our videos :p
Your videos seem like they are used with great equipment! Congrats on 100! I hope you get 100 million more!