Subscriber Milestone 15 Subscribers! Yay!

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INDI vidual

Full Member
Mar 11, 2016
I'm happy with the fact that 15 people had subscribed to me and have time and desire to watch my videos. I want to say thanks to them and that this means a lot to me :)
I will keep up creating good mood for you and continue playing random games mumbling along them :D
Thank you so much. Again.
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james swartley

Respected User
Freedom! Member
Mar 14, 2016
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I'm happy with the fact that 15 people had subscribed to me and have time and desire to watch my videos. I want to say thanks to them and that this means a lot to me :)
I will keep up creating good mood for you and continue playing random games mumbling along them :D
Thank you so much. Again.
congrats thats an accomplishment to be proud of