Other Milestone 1k Subs , 300k views and 9k hours of watch time :D

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New User
Feb 4, 2018
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I did it! My channel was dead since 2009 and i managed to revive it in 1 month! It was hard tnx to youtube new rules but hey, i did it :).

To all the creators stuck at 100 subs or at 10 (because i was stuck at 10 for years) the only thing i can tell u is to upload the content u really want! People watch content not because of the content itself but for your personality.

Btw, my content is in spanish and my mother lenguage too, so if you see errors in this text well... sorry :/

zeke morgan

Retired Moderator
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Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
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Congratulations on not only reviving your channel but also for achieving your recent milestones