Subscriber Milestone 300 Subscribers and 12,000 views

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What games should I play next?

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Frosted Fricks

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 23, 2015
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It is an honor, NAY, a privilege to say I have finally hit my 300th subscriber as of a day ago and peeked over the 12,000 views mark! I am so happy about this and I love the fact that it's thanks to the Freedom family and my dedicated subscribers that I have been able to hit this milestone! It makes my unbelievably happy and I hope to continue to grow and reach the lives of many more in the future! Remember, it's not about the money, I want everyone to smile, even if it's only for 15 minutes, it's still something, something that will bring a small ray of sunlight into someones day! That's why I do it and that's why I'm here. Thank you guys so much! Thank you for supporting me and until next time, GAME ON!

Ashley SilverDust

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Freedom! Member
Feb 14, 2015
Maine, USA
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Nice! Proud of you! I think this is still just the beginning for you! You could really go far if you keep up the great work! As for what game you should play next... Hmm... I think you need to find something you can be passionate about loving to play, so that it shines through in your content and creates the most smiles possible! Play something you'll really get into!

Frosted Fricks

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 23, 2015
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Nice! Proud of you! I think this is still just the beginning for you! You could really go far if you keep up the great work! As for what game you should play next... Hmm... I think you need to find something you can be passionate about loving to play, so that it shines through in your content and creates the most smiles possible! Play something you'll really get into!
There are few games from my past that I go crazy over, but I'm not sure if people want to see me play old games XD


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May 15, 2014
San Francisco, California
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Congratulation Fricks! And btw man thanks for giving such good feedback to others here in this forum :) I was going around and replying to other posts here and I noticed you not only left kind words for them but a lot of good advice as well! It's people like you that keep Freedom as awesome and friendly as it is :D And while I have absolutely no clue what Five Nights in Anime 2 is go for it man! Going with my gut instinct that it's going to be that whack crazy kind of fun xD - Brandon

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Proud Nerd & YouTuber
Freedom! Member
Aug 4, 2014
United States
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It is an honor, NAY, a privilege to say I have finally hit my 300th subscriber as of a day ago and peeked over the 12,000 views mark! I am so happy about this and I love the fact that it's thanks to the Freedom family and my dedicated subscribers that I have been able to hit this milestone! It makes my unbelievably happy and I hope to continue to grow and reach the lives of many more in the future! Remember, it's not about the money, I want everyone to smile, even if it's only for 15 minutes, it's still something, something that will bring a small ray of sunlight into someones day! That's why I do it and that's why I'm here. Thank you guys so much! Thank you for supporting me and until next time, GAME ON!
That's a damn good job buddy, you are very close to me in both views and subs, keep it up! :)