YouTube Views Milestone 4000 Views

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New User
Aug 15, 2016
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I recently have hit 4000 but I have taken time to realise this. I found it amazing that I got to 1000 views and now I have got 4x as many views. I mostly post CSGO and highlights from my games but I would love to meet some new people and play with them. I know this isn't the place for such topics but I would like too meet new people as that it what the freedom family is about.


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
YouTube Channel ID
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I recently have hit 4000 but I have taken time to realise this. I found it amazing that I got to 1000 views and now I have got 4x as many views. I mostly post CSGO and highlights from my games but I would love to meet some new people and play with them. I know this isn't the place for such topics but I would like too meet new people as that it what the freedom family is about.
