Tips & Tricks 5 Step To Grow Bigger On Youtube!

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New User
Mar 21, 2016
Step 1:
Make videos that interest the viewer so if you have a popular video make more like it!

Step 2:
Make videos with other people so you and them can grow together and they will promote you and you can promote them!

Step 3:
Become more active on social media and youtube so you will be more noticeable!

Step 4:
Make eye-catching and great thumbnails so more people will find your videos easier!

Step 5:
Make your videos better that uploading more if you have one good video its better that five all right ones!

(y) (Y) Please Subscribe to my channel!
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Devourer of Cake + Crumpets.
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
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Step 1:
Make more videos that interest the viewer so if you have a popular video make more like it!

Step 2:
Make videos with other people with the same amount of subscribes as you so you and them can grow together and they will promote you and you can promote them!

Step 3:
Become more active on social media and youtube so you will be more noticeable!

Step 4:
Make eye-catching and great thumbnails so more people will find your videos easier!

Step 5:
Try live-streaming on youtube gaming for more chance for people to find your channel!

(y) (Y)
It depends on the quality against quantity debate. I'd focus on making a great video, and when you have more subs, quantity can work as well. Collaborating works out great, but I'd ditch the sub requirement, since it's nice to work with people regardless of exposure. Social media works out well if you can mess around with the right video. Thumbnails are always going to bring people in, and live-streaming works when you have a decent rig/internet connection ^^


Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 18, 2016
Ashland, PA
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Good tips and you forget do quality like fattmat says, I don't like watch a video that have low effort but I do know I don't have thumbnails reason because 1. I don't have to start it (Going watch some videos about it) 2. Don't have my own internet and PC so that out of question. If there is a app on Play Store make thumbnails on you phones/tablet I'll download it and try it.