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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 19, 2016
Phoenix, AZ
YouTube Channel ID
YouTube Channel
100 Tips and Tricks to Grow Your YouTube Channell
1-Upload on the same day and time every week, think of your channel as a TV network, if you watch your favorite show for 2 weeks in a row on Monday, and it randomly changes to being on a Friday, you might miss your show and not see it, which would be confusing and upsetting. Now I know you can't miss a show on YouTube, but being inconsistent can be confusing to your subscribers.
2-Post quality content, I know you've heard this but hear me out, would you rather see 5 episodes of a really terrible quality show, or one high quality, in depth, video thats entertaining and fun to watch? You want to see something interesting. So put more effort in a high quality video than several low quality ones. Quality over quantity.
3-Post YouTube videos on your Facebook page, people do a lot of mindless browsing on Facebook and when they find something entertaining or helpful, they'll usually watch it. So share your videos on Facebook.
4-Keep your video titles below 50 characters, any longer and your title gets cut of resulting in less people clicking on your video, so keep your title short and snappy, and straight to the point.
5-Blog about your videos if you have a website/blog or some other daily updated page post/embed your content on there, if people visit your site they will surely see it, and there is a chance they'll watch it.
6-Post your video on Twitter, via link, tweets with links receive a lot of engagement so tweeting out your video link along with a short description isn't a bad idea, also ask for re tweets, posts that ask for re tweets get a lot more re tweets. This is a sure way to increase your views, and subs.
7-Post/tease short video trailers on your Instagram and link the video in your bio. Teasing your video builds interest and makes for a little bit of fun. Keeping your subs interested and engaged is a great idea.
8-Keep your videos around 2/3 minutes, research suggests that a good length for a YouTube Video is 2 minutes and 45 seconds.
9-Run a quick search of your keywords and video tags before uploading your video, if there are other videos that share those same keywords your video has a greater chance of ranking among those videos.
10-Join several Google+ communities in your niche, there are lots of YouTube creator communities on Google+where you can share your work with other creators in the same niche as you.
11-Interact with other YouTubers, comment and like their videos, find someone in the same category/niche as you and suggest a collab.
12-Post more on the Forums here, their is a link between the number of posts made here on the Freedom Forums and the number of subscribers you have on your YouTube channel.
13-Interact and engage with forum members, be friendly and engage with people, have natural conversations with people here, this is a community and some times just being friendly and open with people can get you a new subscriber.
14-Reply to all comments or as many as you can, we you respond to people it makes them feel valued and as though they are worth your time, so taking the time to respond to your subscribers can help you gain subs, and keep subs.
15-Optimize your playlist to give them the highest rating, use keywords to give your playlist the highest potential search rank.
16-Get to the point in the first 15 seconds of your video, don't ramble on and on, people get bored of listening to nonsense, introduce yourself and your video quickly. Hi I'm Micah, and today were gonna talk about blah blah blah!
17-Create a simple intro sequence/bumper this is good for branding, but place that after your main intro, capture the viewers attention before putting in your intro.
18-Spend time on your metadata (the words in your title, description, and tags), the words you include here are the words that YouTube searches through when searching for videos, your description is just as important as your video tags.
19-Make your trailer engaging, it auto plays for new subs so make sure its engaging because it may result in people sticking around, watching more videos, and possibly subscribing to your channel.
20-Use a call to action and make it clear, "thanks for watching, like this video, comment below and tell me what you think, also be sure to click here to subscribe."
21-Use annotations to direct viewers to other videos or to get them to subscribe to your channel. Also include cards that give your viewers recommendations on what to watch next.
22-Write longer descriptions, your descriptions can be very long on YouTube and YouTube also looks through your video descriptions when searching through videos so writing a long and detailed video description isn't a bad idea. Don't complain if you want Subscribers it will take work they don't just come out of nowhere.
23-Sub4Sub is TERRIBLE, sub4sub will result in your channel ranking lower because people who sub4sub don't care about your content and they don't watch which means lower watch time. Low watch time means that your channel is ranked lower. In the long term sub 4 sub is only hurting you!
24-Ask for likes, when videos get likes they get raised in YouTube's ranking system which means your video will get more likes, comments, and subs.
25-Engage with loyal fans, ask them to share your video on other social media, when your content is shared once, it reaches a whole other audience, getting you more views and subs.
26-Include a subscribe watermark using inVideo programming, this raises subscribers and views.
27-Show personality, the top YouTubers aren't business who have spokes people who are paid to talk in monotone for 27 minutes, they are fun loving people who just act like themselves. Just be natural and don't worry about what it looks like, often times people are self conscious about what they look like on camera.
28-Email your friends and family, don't be ashamed of your YouTube channel be proud of it and be willing to share it with your friends and family.
29-Optimize your channel for YouTube search, not only focus on people finding your videos but also your channel.
30-Write your video descriptions between 300-500 words, to get the most engagement, it sounds long but if you want the subs and views you'll have to put in the work.
31-Get rid of low quality videos that make your channel seem outdated or low quality, filtering videos that don't look good is key to getting an audience that takes the time to view your work.
32-Create high quality thumbnails, there are so many tools and taking the time to make a good thumbnail will pay off because your video will get more views, and your channel more subs.
33-Create video response to popular videos, let the original creator know about your video they may feature your work on their channel resulting in you getting more subs.
34-Be unique and create valuable content, don't just copy what's popular, copies are never as popular, creating unique content is key to growing your audience.
35-Add a subscribe popup box to your user and subscribe pages.
36-Post holiday themed videos around holidays, specifically right before that holiday, probably 3 or 4 days before.
37-Increase your interaction, the more interaction the higher your video ranking.
38-Create spin off videos, but put your own fun and original twist on the content, don't just reskin content, make it new and original.
39-Create videos on trending content, use Google Trends to find out whats popular and create a video on that specific topic.
40-Leave natural content on other peoples videos, ask questions, leave positive feedback. This is the most natural and organic way to grow your channel.
41-Make sure your content is useful and constructive, don't post things just to post, make sure your video has a clear purpose.
42-If your gonna make a rant video, keep it a reasonable length, and keep it together, don't go overboard.
43-Do NOT sub4sub but you should try to subscribe to other channels that share your same interest.
44-Use incentives, try a giveaway or a reward or something for your subscribers to look forward to, something they'll get from watching your video.
45-Don't curse/swear in your video, especially if your a gamer, there are tons of kids who watch gaming videos, and when you curse/swear you loose a fraction of your audience, most parents don't tolerate swearing and will not permit their kids to watch content with foul language.
46-See what competition is doing and don't copy, do better and do different. Don't just counter that video, add a new element that makes your video better.
47-Tell subscribers what your next video will be about, just like a TV show say, "next week on the Blah show we will blah blah blah.
48-Ask for your subscribers suggestions, tell us what we should review next time on Review Channel.
49-Build a community in and around your channel, keep people engaged and committed and keep them interested in your content.
50-Never give up, keep trying it won't happen overnight so stay committed.