YouTube Views Milestone 500+ views an hour on 1 video

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Freedom! Celebrity
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Freedom! Member
Dec 6, 2014
Provo, UT, USA
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My most popular video of behind the scenes of Scott Sterling 2 Volleyball edition from back in November is starting to blow up with views now because the official video just got released on (3/28/16). It's insane to be getting 500+ views an hour! The video is also monetized.
Incoming viral!
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Rising User
Freedom! Member
My most popular video of behind the scenes of Scott Sterling 2 Volleyball edition from back in November is starting to blow up with views now because the official video just got released on (3/28/16). It's insane to be getting 500+ views an hour! The video is also monetized.
Incoming viral!
Ooooh congrats ouo
I'll watch for it on the front page hehe ;D