Other Milestone 6 Years of YouTube

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Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jul 21, 2014
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Today marks my 6th year of making videos on YouTube! From 30 second videos from a LG phone to now an actual camera, lights, and editing equipment (still not the best equipment but it's still good)! I never thought I would still be making videos to this day but I'm glad that I am still doing it! I'm almost at 700 subscribers and almost 500K total video views and I hope to reach 1000 subscribers before the end of the year. I'd like to thank all my friends, family, and everyone for supporting me and I hope to have another awesome 6 years!

zeke morgan

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
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Wow thats such an ongoing and massive commitment to YouTube. I just wish that some day I can look back and say I've been a content creator for that length of time, also to have almost 700 subscribers and 500K views is also another great achievement :)